About Me

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Hi there! I'm a mom of 3 boys and happily married to my husband for the past 13 yrs! I work full time and try and take care of everything home related as well- basically I'm tired and loving life! I love to try new things- especially cooking! I love the outdoors, music, old movies, church, and my family!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Starting over- AGAIN!

So I've gone on healthy living kicks through out the years and have done great and then what happens- LIFE! Life get's in the way, or at least that is the excuse I make. I don't live a super unhealthy life style... I grew up eating healthy and my mom made pretty much all our meals from scratch. I took a lot of that with me and applied it to my family. Do we eat sweets - yes! Do we drink soda- every once in awhile but it's not a staple in my fridge. Could I be better? YES!! but isn't that the point?! Can't we all strive to do or be better in almost every aspect of our lives? So, in supporting my best friend who also just happened to end up marring my bro-in-law (which is awesome to have a best friend as a sister-in-law) start her new healthy living journey... my eating habits are clean this week and my working out is back in full force. I might be dead and really wanting a piece of cake by Friday but that's okay because I'm becoming better. So, "Thanks Laura! for getting my booty back in gear after life hit the fan!"

All I want for myself is to be HAPPY! I find that when I work out and eat right I feel better about myself and that my friends is contagious. It's true, laughter is contagious and so is happiness (see link below, not now...when you're done reading.) When you smile at someone do they not smile back? Most of the time that's true,but you get what I'm saying. Find that smile in the mirror and go after it. Find out what makes the facial muscles work and do that every day. It's not going to be just one thing... variety is the spice of life and it's always changing. I'm not saying go start a clean diet and wear yoga pants all day long and work out like crazy (unless that's what makes you smile, then by all means- yoga pants on) but find your smile and keep it going. Your family,friends, neighbors, and yourself will thank you!

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." ~Thich Nhat Hanh


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